
Bilateral Meetings

  • 20.05.2015 Wednesday (12:05 pm - 02:10 pm)
  • 20.05.2015 Wednesday (02:10 pm - 04:15 pm)
  • 20.05.2015 Wednesday (04:15 pm - 05:55 pm)

We are expert consultants in efficiency and management of energy and water, in the tertiary sector, industry and public administration.

Country: Catalonia

Organization Type: Consultant

Areas of Activities

Construction maintenance and monitoring methods and equipment

    Energy efficiency in buildings


      Looking for innovative efficiency solutions

      We request innovative efficiency solutions
      We are expert consultants in efficiency and management of energy and water, in the tertiary sector, industry and public administration.

      Keywords: innovative efficiency solutionsenergy efficiency
      Cooperation Requested
      1. Outsourcing co-operation
      2. Technical co-operation
      3. Sales / Distribution
      4. Other

      Consultancy services on energy efficiency

      We offer consultancy services.
      We are expert consultants in efficiency and management of energy and water, in the tertiary sector, industry and public administration.

      Keywords: energy efficiencyconsultancy
      Cooperation Offered
      1. Other
      2. Technical co-operation
      3. Outsourcing co-operation