
Bilateral Meetings

  • 20.05.2015 Wednesday (10:00 am - 12:05 pm)
  • 20.05.2015 Wednesday (12:05 pm - 02:10 pm)
  • 20.05.2015 Wednesday (04:15 pm - 05:55 pm)
  • 21.05.2015 Thursday (10:00 am - 12:05 pm)
  • 21.05.2015 Thursday (12:05 pm - 02:10 pm)
  • 21.05.2015 Thursday (04:15 pm - 05:55 pm)

Altemac is a company specialized in the manufacture of technical wooden doors both fire doors and acoustic isolation doors.
We have a wide range of technical approvals about test regulations besides a flexible production process to adapt our products to the needs and specifications of each Project.

Country: Spain

Organization Type: Company

Areas of Activities

Materials, components and systems for construction

    Construction methods and equipment

      Installations related to construction



          Dealer/partner to colaborate selling our products, mainly wooden fire doors and acoustic doors

          Altemac is a company specialized in the manufacture of technical wooden doors both fire doors and acoustic isolation doors.
          We have a wide range of technical approvals about test regulations besides a flexible production process to adapt our products to the needs and specifications of each Project.

          Keywords: wooddoorsfire doorsacoustic isolation doors
          Cooperation Offered
          1. Sales / Distribution
          2. Other